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Almond Milk:

So easy to make and much healthier alternative to store bought almond milk. Try it today.

What you need:


1 Cup of almonds (preferrably organic)

3 Cups of Filtered Water

1 tablespoon of vanilla extract

1  tablespoon of cinnamon


How to make:


Soak the almonds in filtered water for 12 hours.  After the time passed rinse them off well and discard the water they were soaking in.

Add the almonds and 3 cups of filtered water to the blender and blend until smooth. Use a cheesecloth or very fine strainer to strain all the milk from the pulp. Squeeze the pulp out well to get the creamiest almond milk.  If you would like to make it sweeter, add vanilla extract and cinnamon. Keeps in the fridge for up to 3 days.


Do not discard the almond pulp. You can always add it to baking or bake it in the oven until dry, then grind it in a blender to make almond flour.
